Track Your Dividends
Dividend Predictor tracks US and Canadian dividend paying stocks.
Dividend Predictor is now Dividend Pro!
Dividend Pro is your essential tool for dividend investing. Track your upcoming and past dividend payments and ex-dates across multiple portfolios, and currencies. Check income and yield reports monthly, quarterly or yearly and view recent dividend changes.
Share portfolios across devices or view on our secure web site.
The app provides a free unlimited one month evaluation period and supports over 8,000 dividend paying stocks listed on US, Toronto and London stock exchanges. USD, CAD, GBP and EUR currencies are supported.
Once your initial evaluation period is over you can purchase an auto-renewing Dividend Data Feed subscription to continue to receive the latest dividend information on your portfolios.
We are really happy to announce the release of a new version 4.8.0 of Dividend Pro. This version adds MacOS desktop support. Stocks traded on the London Stock Exchange are now supported. Also numerous improvements and fixes.
Dividend Pro allows you to track your dividend income providing you an expected cash flow for the coming months, quarters or year. See overall income and yield for your entire portfolio and by account, and how your income varies by month.
Read MoreCheck the Changes page to show recent dividend increases and decreases in your portfolio, and what affect they have on your income stream.
Along with an in-depth stock detail screen, Dividend Pro provides a dividend history and recent dividend announcements to keep you on top of things.