When I select "Change Values" from an item in the portfolio "num of Shares" is not an option to update. If I try to add the new purchase i get an "already in portfolio" error. How do you change number of shares?
on Sat, 2014-07-26 12:14 divabwillis
Can't update Num of Shares from iPhone app
We have changed how this works in our new release to hopefully make it more intuitive and real world. Select the instrument that you want to add shares of from the Portflolio tab of the app to show the stock details. At the top-right tap on 'Buy Sell', and you can add or remove shares from your position. Costs or proceeds of the transaction will update your cash balance of your portfolio. If you sell all of the shares the stock will be removed from your portfolio. Hope this helps.
Adding drip shares
Chris - I'm experiencing the same issue. If I'm participating in DRIP, my added shares from dividends don't have an effect on my cash account. If I want to add the quarterly dividends, I should be able to just change the total shares w/o deducting from my cash balance. At one time you had talked about automatic updates for drip... The way it is now also limits the "what if" factor - sometimes adding/deleting imaginary shares/positions to see how it might effect future income.
I like the new format a lot. For me, it would be better if I could have the option to adjust the amount of shares w/o generating changes in the cash balance. Perhaps a on/off button like you have in other override areas? Thanks, Charles
Adding DRIP shares
Hi Charles,
We still intend to add DRIP support in a future release. For now you should be add your DRIP shares via the 'Buy Sell', only set the purchase price to zero. This won't affect your cash balance, but will adjust the average price per share.
For 'what-if' scenarios we have added new sandbox portfolios which don't affect your combined summary and dividend reports. You can easily switch a portfolio between 'sandbox' and 'active', so one way to use this would be to create a sandbox portfolio that mirrors your real portfolio, switch your real portfolio temporarily to 'sandbox', and make your 'what-if' portfolio 'active' to see the results of your scenarios. Once you are done you can switch your real portfolio back to active. We could make this easier in future by making it easy to duplicate an existing portfolio.
Let me know what you think, and thanks for your great support!!!