UPDATE ERROR: Number of shares to sell exceeds shares owned.

I have 40,300 cash balance. I try to add 1150 shares of T @ $34.72 + $4.95 ($39, 932.95 total) to the 600 positions I already hold and I get a popup window on iPhone (in bold test) "Update Error"...then below that "Number of shares to sell exceeds shares owned. Setting to number of shares owned" and the "OK" button. 

I have tried a few times abd I am definitely hitting the BUY button. What is going wrong? I don't want to add the shares with the 'Change Values' method.

Please help a paying customer. Thanks!


DividendPredictor v3.1.1

iOS version 11.2.6

Data Subscription expires February 7, 2019


mpeep's picture

Sorry to hear that you are having an issue buying. This is a bug that will be fixed in our next release where the test to sell share is inadvertently being applied on the buy. In your case you could do two buys at 600 and 550 shares. Again my apologies for this.

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