Not accepting stock symbols

The program will not allow me to add new symbols. My subscription is current through 2014 and I currently only have about 25 stocks in my portfolio. How can I add more without getting the error message that Moneypeeps is unable to add the symbol. These are common symbols, like HAS and GSK. 

mpeep's picture

You should be able to add many more stocks with your subscription, and we certainly have HAS and GSK in our database.  On thing that could cause you a problem is selecting the country when adding the stock.  If you have Canada selected and try to add those stocks it will fail as you describe as there are no such symbols on TSX.  Check that you have 'United States' selected for those instruments.  Let me know if this doesn't resolve your issue.


Yep, that did it.  I must have hit the "Canada" button by mistake.  Don't I feel stupid!  Thanks for the help.

mpeep's picture

Hey BillOR, it's not your fault.  The problem is on our side for not presenting you with better results from your symbol request.  We are working on that.  Thanks!

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