The app has stopped working on my iphone 6s. It says "You are not subscribed for a dividend quote feed....." My subscription may have expired, but when I check online, it says I've been a member for 1yr & 8mo. Also, when I try to "Buy Now" for another year's subscription, it says "App Store Error: The selected product is not available in the App Store. Please try again later." It's been 2 days and it still does not work. I've thought about deleting the app and then reinstalling it, but I'm afraid to try.
Please help.
on Fri, 2016-07-08 12:14 stocks
Hi Garland,
Hi Garland,
Don't worry we will get you sorted out. First please make sure that you have the latest version of the app, 2.0.8, as there were some fairly recent changes with iOS9 on how purchases are verified. Also you could try to restart the app by double tapping on the device home button then swipe up on the image of DivPred, then open the app again. Let me know how that goes, but best to communicate further by email (support at as this forum gets distributed to a bunch of other people.