iPad and Webpage View Show Different Predictions

ms99's picture

I recently noticed that the dividend prediction shown on my iPad version of Dividend Predictor and the webpage view of my dividends are different.

One thing I notice is that I do see dividends for Fidelity mutual funds on my iPad but I do not see them on the webpage view.

Possiblly connected to this some of the funds DP will not show a predicted dividend and I have to manually enter the estimate per share dividends. Should these manually entered dividend estimates carry over to the webpage view?




mpeep's picture

Hi Mike,

The website should show the same results as the app, including overrides that you set.  One thing to check is that your app has the most current data.  Tap the refresh button at the top-left of the Portfolio or Summary tabs to get the latest close prices and dividend updates.  If that doesn't resolve your problem then please post a particular stock symbol that you can see is different between the two.



ms99's picture

After doing a little more checking I noticed a couple things:

- SPHIX and FAGIX show on the iPad but not in the webpage view.

- WU and PJP show in different periods between the different views.  On the iPad they show in Mar, Jun, Sep & Dec.  While on the webpage they show in a different month.

Additionally a minor annoyance is that the sort order for looking at portfolio holdings and dividends is different between the app and webpage. Made it a little more difficult to track down differences. It would be nice if it was consistent between app and webpage views.




ms99's picture

And should have mentioned - yes I did update data in the app.

I also checked to ensure share counts for my holdings shows the same between both views.



mpeep's picture

Mike, it sounds like you may be looking at the 'Ex-Dates' report on the app and where the website shows only the 'Pay Dates' report.  Check the top-left of the Dividends tab and tap on 'Pay Dates' in the app.  The feedback of which of these reports you are in is very poor, so it is easy to get confused.  Let me know.


ms99's picture

Nope - I am looking at Pay Dates in the App - not Ex-Dates.

Regardless this still does not address the concern that the app show dividends from SPHIX and FAGIX, but the webpage does not.



mpeep's picture

Mike, it looks like there is an issue with displaying some mutual funds (tickers with MUTFUS) in the dividend view on the website.  I will look into this shortly and let you know when it is resolved. Thanks!


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