Yield max etf updates

Please update all Yield max ETF data. Others in my account are not updated regularly? I have used the product for a few tears and it has worked well but lately dividend info is old and not reflective or current ? 

mpeep's picture

Hi jbhesser.  We have been having an issue with one of our data suppliers of late with late and inaccurate data.  We have just switched over to a new supplier for some exchanges, that would include the Yieldmax ones.  I am hopeful this will significantly improve the situation.  Please contact 'support@moneypeeps.com' if you are seeing some stocks that are not updating properly.  There could be another reason. Thanks!




mpeep's picture

We have swapped out one of our data suppliers, and it looks like YieldMax stocks are updating properly again.  Please contact our support email if you see any issues.  Thanks for your patience with this, and thanks for using our app!!!



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