Error Messages when updating or deleting

jonsju's picture

<p>I tried to update the quantity of one of my holdings. &nbsp;After changing the quantity and entering done I got the following:<i>&nbsp;Update Error &nbsp;Unable to change the stock value. &nbsp;</i>I then decided to delete the holdng and re-enter it. &nbsp;This time the error message was &nbsp;<em>Delete Error &nbsp;Unable to delete the stock from the Portfo<b>l</b>io &nbsp; </em>I tried this on several different holding with the same result</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

mpeep's picture

Sorry to hear you are having a problem.  This might just be a communication problem between your device and the server as I haven't seen any errors in the server logs.  I will contact you by email to help diagnose this further and report back here.

mpeep's picture


From jonsju by emai:
"I tried refreshing but it didn't help.  I then closed the app and tried Safari and a couple of other things that worked fine.  After that I reopened the app and was able to refresh and then change the data. 
Thanks for your help.  This app is terrific, if it had the ability to have multiple portfolios it would be perfect. "

I'm suddenly receiving this same error message - Unable to change the stock value.  Can you please send me the same fix you sent to jonsju?






mpeep's picture

Hi Don,

There was no fix for jonsju.  We suspect it was a network connectivity issue.  He tried to check his connectivity using Safari and after that the app was fine.  If your connectivity is okay then you could try restarting the app:  Let me know if this doesn't resolve your problem.


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